Z-Wave Products

There are over 4400 interoperable Z-Wave products throughout the world, and over 94 million Z-Wave products have been sold since our beginnings in 2001. All of them work together regardless of brand, because they're all based on the common Z - Wavestandard.Browse our Product Finder to see what Z -Wave can do for you.

Z-Wave Configuration Capabilities

Model: Remote (PSR03)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-14110010

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

10 1 Auto Report Battery Time 0 to 127
The interval time for auto report the battery level.

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

2 1 Basic Set Level 0 Turn off the light
  1 to 99 Set the light to level 1-99, 99 is full brightness
-1 (0xFF) means turn the light on

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

7 1 Customer Function 0
AV Control
  1 Lighting Group Control

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

82 1 Association Group 2 Basic Set Level 1 to 99 Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 2.
Use the value set by configuration parameter 2.
  -1 BASIC Command On (0xFF)

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

83 1 Association Group 3 Basic Set Level 1 to 99 Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 3.
Use the value set by configuration parameter 2.
  -1 BASIC Command On (0xFF)

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

84 1 Association Group 4 Basic Set Level 1 to 99 Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 4.
Use the value set by configuration parameter 2.
  -1 BASIC Command On (0xFF)

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

85 1 Association Group 5 Basic Set Level 1 to 99 Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 5.
Use the value set by configuration parameter 2.
  -1 BASIC Command On (0xFF)

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

86 1 Association Group 6 Basic Set Level 1 to 99 Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 6.
Use the value set by configuration parameter 2.
  -1 BASIC Command On (0xFF)

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

87 1 Association Group 7 Basic Set Level 1 to 99 Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 7.
Use the value set by configuration parameter 2.
  -1 BASIC Command On (0xFF)

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

88 1 Association Group 8 Basic Set Level 1 to 99 Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 8.
Use the value set by configuration parameter 2.
  -1 BASIC Command On (0xFF)

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

89 1 Association Group 9 Basic Set Level 1 to 99 Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light in the association group 9.
Use the value set by configuration parameter 2.
  -1 BASIC Command On (0xFF)