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The Systech® SysLINK® IoT / M2M Gateway enables remote access to a wide variety of sensors and devices for monitoring and control purposes.
The SysLINK M2M Gateway is a full-function router, including DHCP and NAT. Optional Advanced Routing includes firewall capabilities. With enterprise quality remote management, network configurations can be changed or updated remotely. The VPN option supports client and server modes using IPSec or OpenVPN.
Support for a wide range of M2M and IoT applications is achieved with module option cards that may be populated to extend the features and functionality of the gateway. Option cards may also be installed on location.
The network failover feature provides a connection hierarchy for transitioning from one network to another based on current network health status. The priority sequence may be uniquely defined for any application, and includes cellular, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, and Analog/Dial POTS ports.
Most models support two cellular modules in the same gateway (and dual SIM). The gateway continuously analyzes connection quality and will automatically switch to an alternative cellular network when required. The network failover and dual cellular features decrease downtime and provides more reliable network connectivity.
The SysLINK gateway includes an embedded Linux operating system and processor enabling execution of local software. Your own custom software may be integrated to provide application-specific, value-added features to provide a truly unique solution. Systech provides the tools for a unified development environment supporting Java, C, C++, Python, Lua, and other programming and scripting languages.