There are thousands of interoperable
The Secure Key Fob Controller is a 4 button Z-Wave device capable to act both as primary or secondary controller. The four buttons can control other Z-Wave devices such as switches, dimmer and even door locks directly. Various options - configurable by Z-Wave configuration commands - define the actions and the commands used for this control. It is possible to use two sets of buttons (one of on/open/up and one for off/closed/down) or 4 single buttons to control 4 different groups of devices.
The controller also allows triggering scenes in a central controller. Again different modes can be configured to adapt to the various implementations of scenes in different central controllers in the market.
Control options also include special modes like 'all on/off' or always controlling the Z-Wave device in proximity to the fob. The device supports secure communication when included with enhanced security option and when communicating to a device also supporting enhanced security option. Otherwise the device will automatically turn into normal communication. to maintain backward compatibility.