There are thousands of interoperable
HomeTroller-SEL is our fastest and most affordable "SE" series controller! The unit is designed to control light switches, thermostats, door locks, audio / video equipment, cameras, garage doors, water valves, energy monitors and much more. Click here to review the complete list of supported technologies. Home owners can access HomeTroller-SEL at home or via the cloud with just about any smartphone, tablet or table-top touchscreen. Our FREE standard cloud-based "myHomeSeer Remote" service provides easy remote access without storing your sensitive data in the cloud. With HomeSeer, your intelligence stays at home, ensuring better security and reliability.
Main Features:
- Controls Light Switches, Thermostats, Door Locks, Garage Doors, Water Valves, Energy Monitors, Environmental Sensors, Cameras and More!
- Runs all Linux-compatible HomeSeer Drivers (plug-ins)
- Compatible with Apple and Andoid smartphones and tablets
- Includes voice control and programming features
- Can issue spoken messages for alerts, announcement and reminders
- Available in standard and PRO versions