Z-Wave Products

TThere are thousands of interoperable Z-Wave products throughout the world, and over 94 million Z-Wave products have been sold since our beginnings in 2001. All of them work together regardless of brand, because they're all based on the common Z - Wavestandard.Browse our Product Finder to see what Z -Wave can do for you.

Z-Wave Association Capabilities

Model: SRT-321 (Thermostat-HVAC) (MAX10U-734)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-16015001

Group ID Group Profile Name Profile Maximum Nodes Description Endpoint ID Commands
1 1 Z-Wave Plus Lifeline group, SRT321 will send unsolicited Battery Level Report, Thermostat Set Point Report and unsolicited Multilevel Sensor Report to lifeline group. 0
2 4 Nodes controlled by Thermostat Mode SET command. 0
3 4 Nodes controlled by Switch Binary SET command. 0
4 4 Nodes to receive unsolicited Battery Level Reports or Low Battery Warnings. 0
5 4 Nodes to receive Thermostat Set Point Reports. 0
6 4 Nodes to receive unsolicited Multilevel Sensor Reports. 0