Z-Wave Products

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Z-Wave Association Capabilities

Model: Wall Plug (NAS-WR01Z)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-16020013

Group ID Group Profile Name Profile Maximum Nodes Description Endpoint ID Commands
1 3 Associations Through an association this Plug may control another Z-Wave network device, e.g. a alarm device, wall plug, lighting etc. The Wall Plug provides three association groups, and every group can be support to associated 5 devices max. GROUP 1 is lifeline service that assigned to plug status – ON/OFF. It enables the Plug to send reports and readings to Z-Wave Controller or Z-Wave Gateway. This Group Support: NOTIFICATION_REPORT_V4 COMMAND_CLASS_METER_V4 COMMAND_CLASS_SWITCH_BINARY DEVICE_RESET_LOCALLY_NOTIFICATION GROUP 2 allows for sending control commands to associated devices such as Siren, relay module, lighting, etc. If current load is over the max current defined in parameter #3, the Plug will send a BASIC_SET (0xFF) to associated devices. When current load is normal, plug will send a BASIC_SET (0x00) to associated devices. This Group Support: BASIC_SET GROUP 3 allows for Send Notification to associated devices in this group. This Group Support: NOTIFICATION_REPORT_V4 0