Brand Name: HEIMAN
Product Identifier: HS1CA-Z
Product Version: HW: 255 FW: 1.10
Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-16095241
Z-Wave Certification Date: 9/28/2016
Use In: CEPT (Europe)
Z-Wave Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement:
The smart carbon monoxide sensor detects CO, and sends alarm signals to alert people of the danger. When the smart carbon monoxide sensor detects CO, it will send an alarm notification to the gateway through wireless Z-Wave communication protocol, then the gateway sends the notification to server, the server interprets the signal and transfers the signal to users' APP. The smart carbon monoxide sensor has high stability and sensitivity, which will protect house from CO poisoning effectively.
Z-Wave Plus Version: 1
SmartStart Compatible: No
Manufacturer Provided Product Manual:
Z-Wave hardware platform: ZM5202
Z-Wave version: 6.51.08
Z-Wave library type: Routing Slave
Z-Wave Device Type: Notification Sensor
Z-Wave Role Type: Reporting Sleeping Slave
Product Type ID: 0x8005
Product ID: 0x1000
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