Z-Wave Products

TThere are thousands of interoperable Z-Wave products throughout the world, and over 94 million Z-Wave products have been sold since our beginnings in 2001. All of them work together regardless of brand, because they're all based on the common Z - Wavestandard.Browse our Product Finder to see what Z -Wave can do for you.

Z-Wave Association Capabilities

Model: FIBARO Smoke Sensor (FGSD-002)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-17015392

Group ID Group Profile Name Profile Maximum Nodes Description Endpoint ID Commands
1 1 Z-Wave Plus Lifeline - Reporting device state. Only one device - Z-wave network controller may be set in this group. It's not recommended to modify this association group. 0
2 5 Smoke Alarm. Sending the Basic SET control command once smoke is detected. Its value may be modified in advanced parameters (see section XVI). Group may control up to five on/off devices. 0
3 5 Tamper. Sending the notification NOTIFICATION REPORT (TYPE=BURGLAR, EVENT =PRODUCT COVERING REMOVED) to associated devices once casing opening is detected. Up to five devices supporting casing opening command (NOTIFICATION REPORT) may be included in this group. 0
4 5 Smoke Alarm. Sending the notification SENSOR ALARM REPORT (TYPE=SMOKE ALARM) to associated devices once smoke is detected. Up to five devices supporting SMOKE ALARM command may be included in this group. 0
5 5 Tamper. Sending SENSOR ALARM REPORT notification (TYPE=GENERAL) to associated devices once casing opening is detected. Up to five devices supporting SENSOR ALARM REPORT command may be included in this group. 0