TThere are thousands of interoperable
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
10 | 4 | Set the alarm time for the Buzzer when the sensor is triggered. | 1 to 255 | Repeated cycle of Buzzer alarm. | |
256 to 65535 | the time of Buzzer keeping ON state (MSB) | ||||
65536 to 2147483647 (Default) |
The time of Buzzer keeping OFF state | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
101 | 1 | To set what unsolicited report would be sent to the Lifeline group. | 3 (Default) |
Battery Report and Multilevel sensor report for temperature are enabled. | |
1 | Battery Report is enabled. | ||||
0 | Send Nothing | ||||
2 | Multilevel sensor report for temperature is enabled. | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
111 | 4 | To set the interval time of sending reports in Report group 1 | 5 to 2678400 (Default) |
Available rang is 5 to 2678400 seconds. | |
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
135 | 1 | To set which sensor report can be sent when the water leak event is triggered and if the receiving device is a non-multichannel device. | 0 | Send nothing | |
3 | Send notification report to association group 1 and Send configuration 0x88 report to association group 2. | ||||
1 (Default) |
Send notification report to association group 1. | ||||
2 | Send configuration 0x88 report to association group 2. | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
136 | 1 | When the parameter 0x87 is set to 2 or 3, it can get the sensor probes’ status through this configuration value. | 0 (Default) |
absence of water is triggered by probe 1. | |
1 | presence of water is triggered by probe 1. | ||||
2 | presence of water is triggered by probe 2. | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
2 | 1 | Enable/Disable waking up for 10 minutes when re-power on (battery mode) the MultiSensor. | 1 | Enable. | |
0 (Default) |
Disable | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
201 | 2 | Temperature sensor calibration | -128 to 127 (Default) |
Available rang is -12.8℃ to 12.7℃. | |
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
252 | 1 | Enable/disable all configuration parameters to be locked | 1 | Enable. | |
0 (Default) |
Disable | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
255 | 4 | Reset to factory defaults. | 1431655765 | Reset the product to factory defaults. | |
1 | Reset all configuration parameters to factory defaults. | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
39 | 1 | Configure the default low battery value. | 10 to 50 (Default) |
Available rang is 10% to 50%. | |
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
48 | 1 | Enable/disable the sensor report | 0 (Default) |
Disable | |
1 | Enable. | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
49 | 4 | Set the upper limit value (overheat). | 0 | Celsius unit | |
1 | Fahrenheit unit | ||||
65536 to 2147483647 (Default) |
Temperature value | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
50 | 4 | Set the lower limit value (under heat) | 0 | Celsius unit | |
1 | Fahrenheit unit | ||||
65536 to 2147483647 (Default) |
Temperature value | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
57 | 2 | Set the recover limit value of temperature sensor. | 10 to 255 | Available rang is 1.0℉ to 25.5℉ | |
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
64 | 1 | Set the default unit of the automatic temperature report in parameter 101-103. | 1 (Default) |
The unit is Fahrenheit. | |
0 | The unit is Celsius. | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
8 | 1 | Set the timeout of awake after the Wake Up CC is sent out.. | 8 to 127 (Default) |
Available rang is 8 to 127 seconds. | |
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
84 | 1 | Get the state of tilt sensor | 0 (Default) |
The Water Sensor main unit is in horizontal direction. | |
1 | The Water Sensor main unit is in vertical direction. | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
86 | 1 | Enable/ disable the buzzer. | 1 (Default) |
Enable | |
0 | Disable | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
87 | 4 | To set which sensor is triggered the buzzer will alarm. | 1 | If the Water leak is triggered, the buzzer will alarm. | |
2 | If the vibration is triggered, the buzzer will alarm. | ||||
4 | If the tilt sensor is triggered, the buzzer will alarm. | ||||
16 | If the under heat is triggered, the buzzer will alarm | ||||
32 | If the overheat is triggered, the buzzer will alarm. | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
88 | 1 | To set which value of the Basic Set will be sent to the associated nodes in association Group 3 when the Sensor probe 1 is triggered. | 0 (Default) |
Send nothing | |
1 | Presence of water, send Basic Set 0xFF, absence of water, send Basic Set 0x00. | ||||
2 | Presence of water, send Basic Set 0x00, absence of water, send Basic Set 0xFF. | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
89 | 1 | To set which value of the Basic Set will be sent to the associated nodes in association Group 4 when the Sensor probe 2 is triggered. | 2 | Presence of water, send Basic Set 0x00, absence of water, send Basic Set 0xFF. | |
0 (Default) |
Send nothing. | ||||
1 | Presence of water, send Basic Set 0xFF, absence of water, send Basic Set = 0x00. | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
9 | 2 | Report the current power mode and the product state for battery power mode | 257 | Keep awake for 10 minutes for battery power mode. | |
256 | Keep sleep state for Battery power mode | ||||
0 (Default) |
USB power mode | ||||
Parameter Number |
Parameter Size |
Parameter Name |
Parameter Values |
94 | 1 | To set which power source level is reported via the Battery CC. | 0 (Default) |
report the USB power level. | |
1 | report the CR123A battery level. | ||||