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Z-Wave Association Capabilities

Model: Dome Door/Window Sensor Pro (DMDP1)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-18076176

Group ID Group Profile Name Profile Maximum Nodes Description Endpoint ID Commands
1 5 Group 1 is the “Lifeline” group, which can hold five members, typically including the main Z-Wave controller. The Door/Window Sensor Pro sends this group a Notification Report or a Binary Sensor Report when it is opened or closed (see Configuration Parameter 3.) It also sends this group a multilevel sensor report to report the temperature and a Battery Report in response to Battery Get commands. 0
2 5 Group 2 supports up to 5 members and the Door/Window Sensor Pro sends a Basic Set command to this group (or the Control Group) to directly trigger devices (like a light, chime, etc.) when the tamper switch either opens or closes. The value of the Basic Set command (e.g. brightness of the lamp) is configured using configuration parameter 07. 0
3 5 Group 3 supports up to 5 members and the Door/Window Sensor Pro sends it a NOTIFICATION_REPORT or SENSOR_BINARY_REPORT when the tamper switch either opens or closes. 0
4 5 Group 4 supports up to 5 members and the Door/Window Sensor Pro sends a Basic Set command to this group to directly trigger devices (like a light, chime, etc.) when the sensor detects the door/window opening or closing. The value of the Basic Set command (e.g. brightness of the lamp) is configured using configuration parameters 08 and 09. 0
5 5 Group 5 supports up to 5 members and the Door/Window Sensor Pro sends it a NOTIFICATION_REPORT or SENSOR_BINARY_REPORT when the sensor detects the door/window opening. 0