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Z-Wave Configuration Capabilities

Model: Slim Multisensor (PST02-1C )

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-18026016

Parameter Number

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Parameter Values

10 1 Auto Report Battery Time 0 to 127
The interval time for auto report the battery level. 0 means turn off auto report battery. The default value is 12. The tick time can setting by the configuration No.20.

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Parameter Values

11 1 Auto Report Door/Windo w State Time 0 to 127
The interval time for auto report the door/window state. 0 means turn off auto report door/window state. The default value is 12. The tick time can setting by the configuration No.20.

Parameter Number

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Parameter Values

12 1 Auto Report Illumination Time 0 to 127
The interval time for auto report the illumination. 0 means turn off auto report illumination. The default value is 12. The tick time can setting by the configuration No.20.

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Parameter Values

13 1 Auto Report Temperatur e Time 0 to 127
The interval time for auto report the temperature. 0 means turn off auto report temperature. The default value is 12. The tick time can setting by the configuration No.20.

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Parameter Values

2 1 Basic Set Level -127 to 127
Setting the BASIC command value to turn on the light. The 0xFF(-1) means turn on the light. For dimmer equipment 1 to 100 means the light strength. 0 means turn off the light. Caution: The value is unsigned byte, the range is from 0x00 ~ 0xFF.

Parameter Number

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Parameter Values

20 1 Auto Report Tick Interval -127 to 127
The interval time for auto report each tick. Setting this configuration will effect configuration No.10, No.11, No.12 and No.13. The unit is 1 minute. Caution1: Setting to 0 means turn off all auto report function. Caution2: The value is unsigned byte, the range is from 0x00 ~ 0xFF

Parameter Number

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Parameter Values

21 1 Temperature Differential Report 0 to 127
The temperature differential to report. 0 means turn off this function. The unit is Fahrenheit. Enable this function the device will detect every minutes. And when the temperature is over 140 degree Fahrenheit, it will continue report. Enable this functionality will cause some issue please see the detail in the “Temperature Report” section.

Parameter Number

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Parameter Values

22 1 Illumination Differential Report 0 to 99
The illumination differential to report. 0 means turn off this function. The unit is percentage. Enable this function the device will detect every minutes. Enable this functionality will cause some issue please see the detail in the “Illumination Report” section.

Parameter Number

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Parameter Values

4 1 Light Threshold 0 to 100
Setting the illumination threshold to turn on the light. When the event triggered and the environment illumination lower then the threshold, the device will turn on the light. 0 means turn off illumination detected function. And never turn on the light. 1 means darkest. 99 means brightest. 100 means turn off illumination detected function. And always turn on the light. Notice: In none test mode, only the value in 1 to 99 will enable the illumination detected function and update the illumination value.

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5 1 Operation Mode 1 Bit1: 1 means test mode, 0 means normal mode. Notice: This bit only effect by the DIP Switch setting to “customer mode”, otherwise it decides by DIP Switch setting to Test or Normal Mode.
  2 Disable the door/window function. (1:Disable, 0:Enable)
  3 Bit3: Setting the temperature scale. 0: Fahrenheit, 1:Celsius
  4 Bit4: Disable the illumination report after event triggered. (1:Disable, 0:Enable)
  5 Bit5: Disable the temperature report after event triggered. (1:Disable, 0:Enable)

Parameter Number

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Parameter Values

6 1 Mult- Sensor Function Switch 0 Bit0: Disable magnetic integrate illumination to turn ON the lighting nodes in the association group 2. (1:Disable, 0:Enable)
Bit4: Disable delay 5 seconds to turn off the light, when door/window
  5 Bit5: Disable auto turn off the light, after door/window opened to turn on the light. (1:Disable, 0:Enable) Notice: If bit2 is zero, this setting is useless. Notice: If the configuration No.9 is zero, this setting is useless.

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Parameter Values

7 1 Customer Function 3 Bit3: Disable send out BASIC OFF after door closed. (1:Disable, 0:Enable)
Bit4: Notification Type, 0: Using Notification Report. 1: Using Sensor Binary Report
  5 Bit5: Disable Multi CC in auto report. (1:Disable, 0:Enable)
  6 Bit6: Disable to report battery state when the device triggered. (1:Disable, 0:Enable)

Parameter Number

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Parameter Values

9 1 Turn Off Light Time 0 to 127
After turn on the lighting, setting the delay time to turn off the lighting when the PIR motion is not detected. 8 seconds per tick, default tick is 4 (32 seconds). 0 means never send turn off light command