Z-Wave Products

TThere are thousands of interoperable Z-Wave products throughout the world, and over 94 million Z-Wave products have been sold since our beginnings in 2001. All of them work together regardless of brand, because they're all based on the common Z - Wavestandard.Browse our Product Finder to see what Z -Wave can do for you.

Z-Wave Association Capabilities

Model: Wheel Controller (FWC)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-18046079

Group ID Group Profile Name Profile Maximum Nodes Description Endpoint ID Commands
1 5 Z-Wave Plus Lifeline - Supports Multichannel Only local Light Zone changes are reported if Multichannel association is not used. Commands issued: - Basic Report: Reports Light Zone state and level changes - Central Scene Notification: Notifies activated Scenes - Thermostat Set-point report: When the Thermostat set-point is changed locally - Thermostat Mode Report: When the Thermostat mode is changed locally - Sensor Multilevel Report: Power Consumption and Air Temperature (if a sensor is connected) - Meter: Reports energy consumption - Device Reset Locally - Reports device Factory Reset 0
2 5 Controls devices in Light Zone 1. Supports Multichannel Association. Commands Issued: - Basic Set: Controlled by Light Zone 1. Dimmer or Switch mapped Basic command values is configurable 0
3 5 Controls devices in Light Zone 2. Supports Multichannel Association. Commands Issued: - Basic Set: Controlled by Light Zone 2. Dimmer or Switch mapped Basic command values is configurable 0
4 5 Controls devices in Light Zone 3. Supports Multichannel Association. Commands Issued: - Basic Set: Controlled by Light Zone 3. Dimmer or Switch mapped Basic command values is configurable 0
5 5 Controls devices in Light Zone 4. Supports Multichannel Association Commands Issued: - Basic Set: Controlled by Light Zone 4. Dimmer or Switch mapped Basic command values is configurable 0
6 5 Enables control of external Heating Thermostats in the same heating zone. Commands Issued: - Thermostat Setpoint Set: Sent on local Thermostat Set-Point changes - Thermostat Mode Set: Sent on local Thermostat Mode changes 0
7 5 Enables the Thermostat to control Remote Heating Relays. Commands issued: - Basic Set: Value ON (255) or OFF (0), according to Thermostat Heating State changes. 0