Z-Wave Products

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Z-Wave Association Capabilities

Model: Indoor Siren 6 (ZW164-B)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-19046419

Group ID Group Profile Name Profile Maximum Nodes Description Endpoint ID Commands
1 5 Lifeline group. (1) Device Reset Locally Notification, issued when Factory Reset is performed. (2) Sound Switch Tone Play Report, issued when a tone has started playing. (3) Sound Switch Configuration Report, issued when volume or default tone has changed. (4) Notification Report (Type=0x0E; Event=0x01), issued when Chime starts playing tone. (5) Notification Report (Type=0x0E; Event=0x00), issued when Chime stops playing tone. (6) Notification Report (Type=0x07; Event=0x09), issued when Chime is tampered and moved. (7) Notification Report (Type=0x08; Event=0x0A), issued when Button is low battery. (8) Notification Report (Type=0x08; Event=0x00), issued when Button comes back to normal battery. (9) Configuration Report (Parameter=0x32), issued when Pairing Button Mode is triggered. (10) Configuration Report (Parameter=0x33), issued when Unpairing or Pairing Button Mode finishes. 0
2 5 Mirror of Endpoint 1, group 2. When Endpoint 1 starts playing tone or stops playing tone, Nodes associated are controlled and will receive a Basic Set CC. 0
3 5 Mirror of Endpoint 2, group 2. When Endpoint 2 starts playing tone or stops playing tone, Nodes associated are controlled and will receive a Basic Set CC. 0
4 5 Mirror of Endpoint 3, group 2. When Endpoint 3 starts playing tone or stops playing tone, Nodes associated are controlled and will receive a Basic Set CC. 0
5 5 Mirror of Endpoint 4, group 2. When Endpoint 4 starts playing tone or stops playing tone, Nodes associated are controlled and will receive a Basic Set CC. 0
6 5 Mirror of Endpoint 5, group 2. When Endpoint 5 starts playing tone or stops playing tone, Nodes associated are controlled and will receive a Basic Set CC. 0
7 5 Mirror of Endpoint 6, group 2. When Endpoint 6 starts playing tone or stops playing tone, Nodes associated are controlled and will receive a Basic Set CC. 0
8 5 Mirror of Endpoint 7, group 2. When Endpoint 7 starts playing tone or stops playing tone, Nodes associated are controlled and will receive a Basic Set CC. 0
9 5 Mirror of Endpoint 8, group 2. When Endpoint 8 starts playing tone or stops playing tone, Nodes associated are controlled and will receive a Basic Set CC. 0