There are thousands of interoperable
The SP815 is a multifunction device with motion detector and temperature/humidity sensor. It uses Passive Infra-Red (PIR) technology to detect movement in a protected area by sensing the changes of thermal radiation caused by the moving body within or across the field of detection. Featuring dual PIR sensor designed with dual lens technology, this detector is immune to presence of pets in the home allowing your pet to move freely without causing false alarms.
This product is a Z-Wave Plus enabled device and is fully compatible with any Z-Wave enabled network. The device can be set up in a Z-Wave network to communicate directly with other end devices such as smartplugs, or to report directly to a Z-Wave controller (usually a gateway).
When the motion detector is triggered, an alarm signal will be emitted to the controller and the controller, after receiving the signal, will perform certain action according to its settings.
The product has a built in digital temperature sensor and humidity sensor to report environmental condition of the protected area to the controller.
This product supports the S2 security protocol that uses encrypted Z-Wave Plus messages to communicate to other security-enabled Z-Wave Plus products. A security-enabled Z-Wave Plus Controller must be used in order to fully utilize the security features of this product.