Z-Wave Products

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Z-Wave Configuration Capabilities

Model: In-Wall Smart Dimmer (39351/ZW3010)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-19086695

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

16 1 Enable/Disable Switch Mode 0
  1 Enable

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

19 1 Alternate Exclusion 0
Press any button on the switch
  1 Press two times ON button and two times OFF button, LED will flash 5 times if exclusion succeed

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

3 1 LED indication configuration 0
The device is ON, LED is OFF; the device is OFF, LED is ON
  1 The device is ON, LED is ON; the device is OFF, LED is OFF
  2 LED always OFF
  3 LED always ON

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

30 1 Minimum Dim Threshold 1 to 99
Set the minimum dimmer threshold when manually or remotely controlled

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

31 1 Maximum Brightness Threshold 1 to 99
Set the maximum brightness threshold when manually or remotely controlled

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

32 1 Default Brightness Level 0
  1 to 99 Set the default brightness level that the dimmer will turn on when being turned on manually

Parameter Number

Parameter Size

Parameter Name

Parameter Values

6 1 Dim Up/Down Rate 0
Dim up/down the light to the specified level quickly by command except value O and FF
  1 Dim up/down the light to the specified level slowly by command except value O and FF