There are thousands of interoperable
The Gerber Prime Switch is a Z-Wave TM enabled wireless device fully compatible with any Z-Wave TM enabled networks. This device is a security enabled Z-Wave Plus product that uses encrypted Z-Wave Plus messages to communicate to other security enabled Z-Wave Plus products. Z-Wave TM enabled devices displaying the Z-Wave TM logo can also be used with this device regardless of the manufacturer, and this device can also be used in other manufacturer’s Z-Wave TM enabled networks. This device must be used in conjunction with a Security Enabled Z-Wave Controller in order to fully utilize all functions. Inclusion of this unit on other manufacturer’s Wireless Controller menu allows remote operation of the unit and connected load. Remote control of Dimmer/Relay modules are possible with other manufacturer’s wireless Controller as well. GPS-2000 is designed to act as a repeater. Repeaters will re-transmit the RF signal to ensure that the signal is received by its intended destination by routing the signal around obstacles and radio dead spots. Its functionality and supported command classes are identical when included as a secure and non-secure device.