Z-Wave Products

There are over 4407 interoperable Z-Wave products throughout the world, and over 94 million Z-Wave products have been sold since our beginnings in 2001. All of them work together regardless of brand, because they're all based on the common Z - Wavestandard.Browse our Product Finder to see what Z -Wave can do for you.

Z-Wave Command Classes

Model: Fan Coil Thermostat (HE-FT01)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC12-20010025

Supported Command Classes
        Application Status
        Association Group Information V3
        Association V2
        Basic V2
        Configuration V4
        Device Reset Locally
        Firmware Update Meta-Data V5
        Indicator V3
        Manufacturer Specific V2
        Meter V4
        Multi-Channel Association V3
        Security S0
        Security S2
        Sensor Multilevel V11
        Thermostat Fan Mode V4
        Thermostat Fan State V2
        Thermostat Mode V3
        Thermostat Operating State
        Thermostat Setpoint V3
        Transport Service V2
        Version V3
        Z-Wave Plus Info V2