Z-Wave Products

TThere are thousands of interoperable Z-Wave products throughout the world, and over 94 million Z-Wave products have been sold since our beginnings in 2001. All of them work together regardless of brand, because they're all based on the common Z - Wavestandard.Browse our Product Finder to see what Z -Wave can do for you.

Z-Wave Association Capabilities

Model: Recessed Door Sensor 7 (ZW187-C)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC12-20010026

Group ID Group Profile Name Profile Maximum Nodes Description Endpoint ID Commands
1 Lifeline 0x0001 5 Lifeline group. (1) Device Reset Locally Notification: Issued when Factory Reset is performed. (2) Battery Report: lssued periodically to report the current battery level; lssued when battery becomes low. (3) Sensor Binary Report: Issued when Magnet is away or near. (4) Notification Report (Type=0x06; Event=0x16): Issued when sensor state is changed to be Open Status. (5) Notification Report (Type=0x06; Event=0x17): Issued when sensor state is changed to be Close Status. (6) Notification Report (Type=0x08; Event-0x01): Issued when battery voltage change exceeds 20%. (7) Notification Report (Type-0x09; Event=0x04; Param=0x55): Issued when reset due to Watch-Dog Timeout. 0
2 On/Off control (Access) 0x7106 5 Issue Basic Set when Maqnet is away or near. (The Basic Set Value is determined by Confiquration Parameter 3) 0