Brand Name: myTEM SmartHome
Product Identifier: MTSWD-100-WL
Product Line: myTEM SmartHome
Product Version: HW: 1 FW: 1.00
Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-20066920
Z-Wave Certification Date: 5/19/2020
Use In: CEPT (Europe)
Z-Wave Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement:
The myTEM Radio Switch Dimmer is a universal, Z-Wave compatible wall or ceiling dimming switch and is used for dimming lighting devices. The dimming can be achieved by using leading-edge (forward phase) dimming or with trailing-edge (reverse phase) dimming.
The power and energy consumption of the connected device is measured. Three additional digital inputs and the programmable behavior to the wireless commands allow flexible use in the house.
The device is intended for installation in a flush-mounted box, e.g. behind light switches or sockets.
Z-Wave Plus Version: 1
Security S2 Classes: S2 Authenticated, S2 Unauthenticated
SmartStart Compatible: Yes
Manufacturer Provided Product Manual:
Z-Wave hardware platform: ZM5101
Z-Wave version: 6.81.06
Z-Wave library type: Enhanced 232 Slave
Z-Wave Device Type: Light Dimmer Switch
Z-Wave Role Type: Always On Slave
Product Type ID: 0x0001
Product ID: 0x0009
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