There are thousands of interoperable
ECO-DIM.10 Z-Wave is a smart module dimmer for LED lights. The dimmer module has a range of 250W LED and beside LED lights also able to dim 230V halogen and incandescent bulds, dimable LED-drivers and electronic transfomers.
The minimum and maximum light level of the dimmer can be adjusted by the MIN and MAX potentiometer, also the speed of dimming by a pulse switch is adjustable by the SPEED potentiometer. The ECO-DIM.10 is protected against overload and interference signals.
For the installation of the ECO-DIM.10 Z-Wave you only need two wires, three wire installation (with extra neutral wire) is available, but not required.
It is suitable for all smarthome systems based on Z-Wave (plus) protocol. The smart dimmer module is compatible with 95% of all dimmable LED lights.