Z-Wave Products

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LCD Temperature & Humidity Sensor

Brand Name: Everspring
Product Identifier: ST814-2_Ever_1110
Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC08-11100005
Use In: U.S. / Canada / Mexico
Z-Wave Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement:   View    Download

The Temperature/Humidity Detector is designed to monitor the current temperature and humidity of ambient environment. The reading of temperature/humidity can be reported to you on a regular base at your disposal. If temperature/humidity reaches set points, the detector will send alerts to associated devices for further execution. The application example will be like this , Step 1 include both ST814 and ON/OFF Z-Wave module (like AN158 or AN157, HAN01…) into a Z-wave controller, Step2 associate ST814 to the ON/OFF Z-Wave module Step3 connect the power wire of the heater or humidifier to the ON/OFF Z-Wave module and this simple 3 step will let user easy to control the temperature or humidity of the room automatically Since sudden temperature/humidity change may cause health problems to people such as elderly or very young children, Temp./Humid. Detector provides you most up-to-date temperature and humidity reading for you to watch your family’s health.

Z-Wave Plus: No
Z-Wave hardware platform: ZW0301
Z-Wave version: 5.02 (PATCH 2)
Z-Wave library type: Routing Slave
Product Type ID: 0x0006
Product ID: 0x0001
Command Classes: View Command Classes
Associated Categories:   Sensors   
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