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Z-Wave Association Capabilities

Model: ZOE SHUTTER H (HZ07100)

Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-22017068

Group ID Group Profile Name Profile Maximum Nodes Description Endpoint ID Commands
1 Lifeline 1 Lifeline Group (reserved for communication with the primary gateway (hub)), 1 node allowed. 0
2 Basic on/off 16 (Triggered at change of input I1) up to 16 nodes. When switch wired to input I1 is pressed ZOE Shutter U will send Basic set ON command to associated device and this device will turn ON, when it is released ZOE shutter sends Basic set OFF command to associated device and this device will turn OFF. 0
3 Basic on/off (Triggered at change of input I2) 16 Basic on/off (Triggered at change of input I2) up to 16 nodes. When switch wired to input I2 is pressed ZOE Shutter U will send Basic set ON command to associated device and this device will turn ON, when it is released ZOE shutter U sends Basic set OFF command to associated device and this device will turn OFF. 0
4 Basic on/off (Triggered at sensing moving direction of roller: up= FF, down = 00) 16 When blinds are moving up, ZOE Shutter will send Basic set ON command to associated device and associated device will turn ON. When blinds are moving down, ZOE Shutter will send Basic set OFF command to associated device and the device will turn OFF. 0
5 Basic on/off (Triggered at reaching roller position: bottom=FF, top=0) 16 Up to 16 nodes. When blinds reach upper position ZOE Shutter will send Basic set OFF command to associated device and the device will turn OFF. When blinds reach down position ZOE Shutter will send Basic set ON command to associated device and the device will turn ON. 0
6 Basic on/off (triggered at reaching roller position: bottom=FF, not bottom=0) 16 Up to 16 nodes. When blinds reach down position, ZOE Shutter will send Basic set ON command and the device will turn ON. When blinds are in any position which is not down (0%) ZOE Shutter will send Basic set OFF to associated device and the device will turn OFF. 0
7 Multilevel set (Triggered at change of value of the ZOE Shutter position) 16 Up to 16 nodes. ZOE Shutter will set Switch multilevel command to associated device, the command is actual position of blinds so the associated device will turn on same level as blinds are. Example with association between ZOE Shutter and dimmer, when shutters blinds reach middle position 50% it will send switch multilevel set 50% command and dimmer will turn on 50%. 0
8 Multilevel set (Triggered at changes of value of slats tilting position) 16 Up to 16 nodes. ZOE Shutter device will send Switch multilevel set command to associated device, the command is actual position of tilts.Example with association between ZOE shutter and dimmer. When shutters tilts rotate to middle position 50% it will send switch multilevel set 50% command and dimmer will turn on 50%. 0
9 Multilevel sensor report (triggered at sensed different value – sensor sold separately) 16 Up to 16 nodes. ZOE Shutter U device will send Multilevel sensor report to associated device, this will send the information of actual temperature that was measured with temperature sensor. 0