Brand Name: Nice
Product Identifier: FGRGBW-442
Product Line: Nice RGBW-Control
Product Version: HW: 2 FW: 5.00:05.00:01.00
Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC10-22047077
Z-Wave Certification Date: 3/31/2022
Use In: CEPT (Europe)
Z-Wave Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement:
RGBW-Control is a universal, Z-Wave Plus™ compatible RGB/RGBW controller.
The device uses PWM output signal, allowing it to control LED, RGB, RGBW strips, halogen lights and other resistive loads. It can also measure active power and energy consumed by the load. Controlled devices may be powered by 12 or 24V DC.
Inputs support momentary/toggle switches and 0-10V analog sensors, like temperature sensors, humidity sensors, light sensors etc.
Z-Wave Plus Version: 1
SmartStart Compatible: Yes
Manufacturer Provided Product Manual:
Z-Wave hardware platform: ZM5101
Z-Wave version: 6.81.03
Z-Wave library type: Enhanced 232 Slave
Z-Wave Device Type: Multilevel Switch - Color Tunable Multilevel
Z-Wave Role Type: Always On Slave
Product Type ID: 0x0902
Product ID: 0x1000
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