Brand Name: Enerwave
Product Identifier: ZWN-RSM2-PLUS
Product Line: Z-WAWA Product
Product Version: HW: 01 FW: 01.12
Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC14-23020199
Z-Wave Certification Date: 2/16/2023
Use In: U.S. / Canada / Mexico, Columbia, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Bolivia, British Virgin Islands, U.S. / Canada / Mexico, U.S. / Canada / Mexico, Cayman Islands, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, St Kitts and Nevis, Suriname, Trinidad and Tabago, Turks and Caicos Islands
Z-Wave Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement:
1. Z-Wave Plus™ Dual Relay is the most advanced and customizable module you can add to your existing appliances and lights.
2. Remotely turn your appliances (lights, fans) on and off from an internet-connected smartphone, tablet, or computer.
3. Program Z-Wave™ relay switch in scenes, groups, and associations. Dynamic scheduling and control from anywhere. Z-Wave™ hub required
Z-Wave Plus Version: 2
Security S2 Classes: S2 Authenticated, S2 Unauthenticated
SmartStart Compatible: Yes
Z-Wave hardware platform: ZGM130S037HGN2 / ZGM130S037HGN1
Z-Wave version: 7.18.3
Z-Wave library type: Enhanced End Node 232
Z-Wave Device Type: Binary Switch DT
Z-Wave Role Type: Always On Slave
Product Type ID: 0x0004
Product ID: 0x0605
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