Brand Name: GreenWave Systems
Product Identifier: NP210-KF/NP212-KF
Product Version: NP210-KF/NP212-KF
Z-Wave Certification Number: ZC08-11060015
Use In: CEPT (Europe)
Z-Wave Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement:
The PowerNode 6-Port allows users to connect up to 6 appliances, making them smart, energy conscious and controllable. Our patent-pending DeviceDNA technology instantly recognizes the device upon being plugged into the PowerNode, to facilitate identification of your devices.
Z-Wave Plus: No
Z-Wave hardware platform: SD3402
Z-Wave version: 6.01
Z-Wave library type: Enhanced Slave
Z-Wave Generic Device Class: Switch Binary
Z-Wave Specific Device Class: Binary Power Switch
Product Type ID: 0x0003
Product ID: 0x0004
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