There are over 4377 interoperable
Automatically save 10% up to 30% on your electrical bill and compare revenues made by installed solar-panels versus the electrical output of your home or office. This means independent insight next to your local power company.
Plug-in your Energy Switch into any socket to read-out the amount of energy used and remotely manage rules and schedules to reduce total energy usage in your office or home. The Energy Switch measures the exact energy usage in Watt’s or KwH, which can be found in the free of charge online manager. Within the online manager you can broaden the functionality of the Energy Switch by creating custom rules and schedules for plugged-in devices. The Energy Switch can be switched on and off manually by pressing the On/Off button on the device. Take control remotely with your smartphone, tablet and PC. Use the Energy Switch in combination with installed solar-panel to measure the exact electrical revenue. By doing this, you can compare the results in the free of charge online manager with the total electrical/energy consumption of the house.